Absolute Yoga eBook


Achieve Optimum Health, Mindfulness & Spiritual Enlightenment In Just 30 Minutes A Day!

This Holistic Approach Will Help You Achieve Optimum Health, Mindfulness And Spiritual Enlightenment

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 – The Science of Yoga and its Health Benefits
Relief from Stress
Yoga and Pain Relief
Yoga and Breathing
Yoga and Flexibility
Yoga and Weight Management
Yoga and Circulation
Yoga and Cardio Health
There’s No Hurry – Take Your Time

Chapter 2 – Yoga History
Modern Yoga

Chapter 3 - Emotions and the Mind/Body Connection

Chapter 4 – Yoga, Strength, and Flexibility

Chapter 5 - Yoga and Cardio and Weight Loss
Yoga and Weight Management

Chapter 6 – Types of Yoga
Hatha Yoga .
Vinyasa Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga
Bikram Yoga
Hot Yoga
Kundalini Yoga
Yin Yoga
Restorative Yoga

Chapter 7 - Yoga Poses & Better Immunity

Chapter 8 - How to Get Started Doing Yoga
Rid Yourself of Expectations
Find the Right Teacher
It’s the Yoga, Not the Outfit
Yoga Classes
The Best Time to Practice Yoga
Yoga Intentions
Before You Begin, Talk to Your Doctor
Slow and Easy Does It
Begin at Your Own Starting Point

Chapter 9 - Preventing Injuries

Chapter 10 – Yoga and Meditation
Benefits of Meditation
How Does Meditation Work?
How to Start Meditating
Finding Time to Meditate
Mindful Meditation
How to Meditate Mindfully


Sample Of The Content Inside Absolute Yoga:


Yoga is something different to most people. It’s quite diverse, and practitioners have different expectations when they start.

That’s perfectly okay. Whether your goal is greater enlightenment, a more toned and muscular body, or relief from disease, there’s a yoga for you.

This b00k will serve as a guide.

The philosophy of yoga has been around for 5,000 years. That’s an undeniable staying power.

Yoga is not just an ‘exercise’, it is a philosophy, a way of thinking rather than a religion. In ancient India, the word yoga meant union.

It refers to a union of the entire self – mind, body, and spirit.

This union is achieved through physical poses, frequently called asanas, although asana is just one of the many types of yoga.

These poses are meant to heighten awareness of mind and body, which makes yoga a natural corollary to meditation.

Today’s researchers are discovering the many benefits of yoga. While it can increase spirituality, it also has the ability to heal many ailments and diseases, especially stress, immune system disorders, and heart problems.

It also provides increased flexibility, which can reverse the.....

End Of Sample Texts:

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 Sample of these Absolute Yoga eBook "follow-up" Autoresponder Messages:

Title:   Secret For Achieving A Better Life.

The philosophy of yoga has been around for 5,000 years.

'Yoga is not a religion. It is a science, science of well-being, science of youthfulness, science of integrating body, mind and soul.

If you’ve been wanting to improve all aspects of your life...

Then This Is For You…[[AFFLINK]]

Do you know what is the ultimate goal of yoga?

It is to help the individual to transcend the self and attain enlightenment.

Western science is starting to provide some concrete clues as to how yoga works to improve health, heal aches and pains, and keep sickness at bay.

Want to discover how you can achieve optimum health, mindfulness, and spiritual enlightenment?

This Blueprint Reveals It All

My sincere message for you is this: Start practicing Yoga, you will grow into the best version of you.

You don’t have to worry…

Yoga is extremely diverse and individual, which makes it important to work at your own level of comfort…

Remember you have the power to change your life forever.

Absolute Yoga will bring a huge difference to your life

=> It All Starts Here

To Your Success,


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File Size:  43.13 MB
Published:  27 August 2018
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1-Ebook             -   The Absolute Yoga Manual.
2-Checklist         -  Absolute Yoga Checklist (pdf)
3-Mindmap         -  Mind Map Of The Product
4-SalesPage      -   Complete Sales Webpage
5-VSL                -  Video Presentation Of Yoga.
6-LeadMagnet    -  The Yoga Guidebook (pdf)
7-LandingPage   -  Landing Sales Webpage.
8-Emails            -  5 Autoresponder Emails
9-GraphicsPack - Banners Ads, E-Cover and fonts.

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